Dear parents. I understand that some students have completed their Oral Examination. However, there are also some who will be sitting for...
Synthesis - Passive - Active
Synthesis & Transformation is one of the very important components in PSLE Written Paper 2 as there are 5 questions, totalling up to 10...
ORAL - Picture-based
There are three different types of ORAL Stimulus Conversation Picture : 3) Picture-based Picture-based requires the student to posses...
ORAL - Information-based
There are three different types of ORAL Stimulus Conversation Picture : 2) Information-based Information-based picture requires the...
ORAL - Option-based
There are three different types of ORAL Stimulus Conversation Picture : 1) Option-based Option-based picture requires the student to make...
Phrasal Verb (Most commonly seen Part 2)
#phrasalverb #grammar
Phrasal Verb (Most commonly seen)
#grammar #phrasalverb
Vocabulary for Crime & Criminals
#vocabulary #creativewriting
Flowering Plants
#science #video